By: Sai Raghu
When I was in deep slumber
Sai Maharaj comes stealthily,
Catching hold of my hand makes me scribble some words.
And when I wake up
And read what has been written,
I am lost in myself.
The thought that has been scribbled
Who is instrumental in generating it?
O my Baba:
Why do you keep on playing such games,
And make my ego boost?
Today I have understood this secret,
For a few moments, you and I become one,
And my ‘Atma’ gets awakened from its slumber,
My hand starts moving automatically.
You made me write but I got the credit for it,
High-sounding philosophies and deep secrets
Which have left their marks on the horizon of time,
Must have gotten scribbled in the same manner by you,
And the writer would have taken credit for it,
In his moments of weakness.
Do pity my ignorance, O My Sai
Make this hand of mine write some words,
Which may bring a complete change in the universe,
And turn the demon in man into a human.
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