Title: Sri Sadashiva Brahmendra: His Life, Extracted Teachings and Reflections(in two volumes)
Author: Sri T. P. Vinayaka Rao
Publisher: Sri Sadguru Sadashiva Brahmendral Seva Trust Nerur 639004, Karur District Tamil Nadu
Price: Rupees 275.00
Sri T.P.Vinayaka Rao was a General Manager at ITI Bengaluru and a well-known Sai devotee and has authored three books on Sai Baba. Sri Rao has glorified Sri Sadashiva Brahmendra at par as Sai Parabrahman as a shining star on the zenith of Jnana, Bhakti, and Yoga at their culmination. Just like Sai Baba, Sri Sadashiva Brahmendra was an Avadhootha of rare incarnation and he had all the siddhis at his command and disposal. His life works, and siddhis have messages. Impregnated with spiritual powers, this book draws earnest Sai devotees as seekers of truth towards the ultimate goal of life- Sri Sadashiva Brahmendra He is a guiding force even to the yogis and sannyasis.
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