New Year Greetings to all the readers, editorial members, and back-office staff of SAI AURA.
Manifest the inner divinity of Lord Sainath and express it outwardly always.
As we bring out the 28th issue in January 2025 our Editorial Board requested me to pen a few words as people around the world will celebrate New Year’s Day on 1st January 2025 and Sankranti season – the festival that marks the harvesting season, of happiness and joy in welcoming twelve new months, celebrate victory of good over evil, of light over darkness, and above all to eternally remind us that Sainath Parabrahman is close behind our thoughts and guiding our steps in the new year and for eternity.
The significance of married life is great indeed. Fortunate is that couple who start married life with the right understanding of its importance and greatness. Marriage is a sacred spiritual partnership between two souls to evolve an ideal life of nobility, virtue, and Dharma and attain their goal of divine perfection through an ideal life. Therefore, the married couple’s home is a sanctified center of spiritual life – the abode of Lord Sainath the Loving God. The home is their place of worship, prayer, spiritual sadhana, and daily contemplation and meditation.
The cultural ideal of our holy motherland Bharat regards this second stage of a person’s life, namely, the Grihasthashrama, as the sacred field for the practice of noble virtue, philanthropy, dharma’ – religious and moral law, and for the awakening of our true inner spiritual nature. As Baba’s child, you are divine Atman. You are not merely a physical creature or a mental-intellectual being, but you are a spiritual being far superior to the lesser biological and psychological aspects of your temporary human personality.
You are divinities without birth or death. Your eternal, imperishable, immortal, spiritual nature must be realized and experienced in this very life. To have this wonderful experience the wife and the husband must help each other. They are mutual helpers in this grand adventure of ideal living and spiritual unfoldment.
The home is a sacred arena for attaining self-conquest and self-mastery, which is more thrilling than the scaling of Mount Everest. The daily life of the Grihastha (Husband) and his Griha Lakshmi (Wife) must be the sublime process of manifesting their inner divinity and expressing it outwardly through thought, speech, and action. Lead this divine life.
Truth, purity, universal love, and compassion constitute the foundation of such a divine life. The essence of divine life is selflessness and service, devotion and daily worship, concentration and regular meditation and to discriminate between the real and the unreal, the godly and the undivine, between the spiritual and the unspiritual. Blessed couple! May you both lead such a celestial life! Feel that your house is the abode of God. Make God the most important factor in your life. Give God the central place in your daily life. God who is the Lord of the universe is the master of your home also. Feel it a sacred privilege to be servants at His feet. Tell Him with deep feelings, “I am Thine; all is Thine; nothing belongs to me. Thou art everything O Lord. Bless me to worship You and to serve You in and through all beings.” Feel God’s divine presence always in your home. Feel that you are doing everything to please Him, to glorify Him!
Love and respect each other. Evolve a life of harmony, beauty, and mutual regard. Develop noble character. Let moderation and wise self-control be the keynote of your life in all things. Create a sublime spiritual atmosphere within the home. Shine with lofty virtue. Let your life be an inspiration to other young couples. Make such an atmosphere at home that one who enters your home feels instantly inspired and elevated.
Such is true success in life.
With all best wishes and Regards
Yours Sai Babaly,
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