A Word from The Publisher

Aum Sai Ram.
Greetings to all the readers, editorial members, and back-office staff of SAI AURA.

As we bring out the 27th issue in October 2024 our Editorial Board requested me to pen a few words as people around the world celebrate the 106th Maha Samadhi celebrations and Navaratri season, the festival, to mark the admixture of happiness and grief, victory of good over evil, of light over darkness, and above all to eternally remind us that Sainath Parabrahman is close behind our thoughts and guiding our steps.

We have ventured a ‘Do It Yourself’ approach towards Self Realization-
Human beings generally tend to be swept off their feet in two situations – triumph and tragedy. The person who can look at both sides of this parabolic sweep with equanimity, acknowledging the ephemeral quality of life cloaked in Maya, has truly evolved. Indeed, attaining such an ideal state of self-control is the privilege of one who ironically has either lost one’s mind or is so wrapped in divine thoughts that the ego, fountainhead of pride, arrogance, and misery, loses all potency.

The latter category is more challenging as it implies a state where one is in the world and yet straddling a cusp of attachment-detachment. It effectively translates to being both within and without, and in perfect harmony with this dichotomy. Those attuned to living in this state are well and truly on course to Self-realization.

The philosophy of Sainath Parabrahman is the connection between duty and devotion. According to Lord Sainath, the two concepts are not mutually exclusive but are the kind of inalienable realities that if conformed to in an egoless manner, offer a perfect blueprint for Self-realization and spiritual harmony. Regarding God as absolute Truth and one with the universe and all its subsets, he had observed that this Truth was within each individual and manifested as a name in one’s consciousness. Lord Sainath said that we are all born with ‘sparks of Divinity’, but with time, it is forgotten and submerged in the business of life. It can be unearthed through deep meditative introspection on Sainath Parabrahman.

As Sainath Parabrahman, akin to ‘Shabda Brahman’ in the Vedas, flows from the Truth within the human being; it becomes a pristine expression of God. The Truth manifests equally in macrocosm and microcosm as the moving force of all creation. In essence, Sainath Parabrahman’s philosophy was based on the premise that given the oneness of Truth, all that stemmed from it, such as mankind, religion, or language, were all expressions of this Truth.

Work undertaken in the reverberating aura of Sainath Parabrahman is elevated to an equivalent of worship. No rites, rituals, or dogmatic subservience are necessary in this do-it-yourself approach to Self-realization and spiritual harmony. Such work, per se, becomes an act of sublime dedication. It is a statement of surrender and an acknowledgment of oneness with God, where the human ego is redundant and has no place. This one step demolishes the ego and its associated desire. It paves the way for undertaking one’s duty sieved through Sainath Parabrahman. By dedicating one’s actions to God in the form of Sainath Parabrahman, one automatically insulates oneself from vanity, arrogance, and desire so that all actions are attributed to divine sanction.

Bharata, brother of Rama, is perhaps the best example of selfless service. He ruled Ayodhya on behalf of his elder brother during the latter’s 14-year exile and was happy to relinquish his charge to Rama on his return home. In the process, Bharata epitomizes the concept of selfless duty without letting ego, attachment or desire come in the way of performing his Raja Dharma in Rama’s name and service to the people.

Sainath Parabrahman, the Divine is the source of all love, joy, and bliss, and when we connect with His love and Light, we bathe in this same joy and happiness. Like a fluorescent object that glows long after it has been exposed to light, we, too, glow with divine love and Light. We all carry this light within, we can experience and share it with others, truly celebrating the 106th ‘Punya Tithi of Sai Maharaj.

With all best wishes and Regards

Yours Sai Babaly,