By: Adi Shankaracharya
Fool! Give up thy thirst for wealth, banish all desires from thy heart,
Let thy mind be satisfied with what is gained by thy Karma.
Do not be proud of wealth, of friends, or of youth; time takes all away in a moment,
Leaving quickly all this, which is full of illusion, enter into the abode of Brahma.
Life is tremulous, like a water-drop on a lotus leaf,
Time is playing, life is waning, yet the breath of hope never ceases.
The body is wrinkled, the hair grey, the mouth has become toothless, the stick in the handshakes, yet man leaves not the anchor of hope.
Preserve equanimity always,
In thee, in me and in others, there dwells Vishnu alone; it is useless to be angry with me, or impatient.
See every self in Self and give up all thought of difference.
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