Determination is the power from which devotion springs and loving attachment to God; this sort of attachment brings a state of constant joy and peace in life. The eternity following any form of such divinity is immense and there are so many forms of devotion, described variously by different schools of thought. The actual philosophy uttered in depth of Saint’s preaching is to seek ‘Moksha’. Through such form of life and living phenomenon, they conquer this worldly atmosphere; no aspirations knock them, nothing disturbs their attention, they see only God in all. Saints never come from the world of conspiracy, their thought of mind flows in natural fulfillment; they appear in substantial form of an enigma. “Saints and Sages are the medium through which God tries to dispel the darkness in our lives” Never bound by any human relations, they only relate to the ultimate, they belong to a vision from God i.e. Godliness and finally they leave their physical body for the next superficial appearance. From where they come, they reach the same.
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