1. Whose Son-in-law was Rao Saheb Yeshwant Janardhan Galwankar?
2. Who influenced Radhakrishna Mai to sing Bengali songs?
3. When did Toser assume Sanyas from?
4. To whom did Baba prescribe a concoction of Almonds to control diarrhea?
5. To whom did Baba ask to record the pulse of Upasani Maharaj in 1914 and what it was?
6. Who else apart from Pillay assisted Upasani to leave Shirdi in 1914?
7. What was the malady Pillay was suffering which Baba cured?
8. Who did Das Ganu Maharaj get his initiation for Sanyas?
9. What did Rao Saheb Yeshwant Janardhan Galwankar ask from Baba?
10. When did Rasane visit Baba for the first time?
11. Baba had earmarked four mangoes for Savalram and how many did Savalram receive?
12. Who did Baba appear in a dream vision to console his child’s death?
1. Hemadpant
2. Nasrul Islam
3. Pillay
4. Bapu Saheb Booty
5. Ganapat Rao Shinde
6. Nimonkar1895
7. Guinea worm abscess
8. Islam Purkar
9. Prem
10. 10.1895
11. Two
12. Rasane
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