11 Assurances of Shirdi Sai Baba

  • The wretched and miserable will rise to joy and happiness as soon as they climb the steps of the mosque
  • I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body.
  • My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees.
  • I shall be active and vigorous even from my tomb.
  • My mortal remains will speak from my tomb.
  • I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me.
  • If you look to me, I look to you.
  • If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it.
  • If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once.
  • There shall be no want in the house of my devotee.

Category: Articles

  • Sri Perin Bharuch in his book on Sai Baba of Shirdi Says

    Sri Perin Bharuch in his book on Sai Baba of Shirdi Says

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  • Rao Bahadur S.B. Dhumal Nasik

    Rao Bahadur S.B. Dhumal Nasik

    The best way of understanding Baba is to experience him onself. Where is Baba gone? He is still alive and active – More active, if that were possible, than he was before his Mahasamadhi. Anyone who is downright earnest...
  • Sri Damodar Savalram Rasane Poona (Statement on 15-8-1936)

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  • Hemadripant (Anna Saheb Dabholkar) Chapter 33 of Sai Satcharitra

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  • Sri G.G.Narke, Professor of Geology and Mining Pune

    Sri G.G.Narke, Professor of Geology and Mining Pune

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  • M.B.Rege Retired Judge, Indore High court

    M.B.Rege Retired Judge, Indore High court

    Statement given to Sri B.V..Narasimha Swami on 11.6.1936 I look upon Sri Sai Baba as the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. I did before His Mahasamadhi in 1918 and I do so now. To me He is not gone. He...
  • Shri Sai Baba’s thoughts on Food and Annadaan

    Shri Sai Baba’s thoughts on Food and Annadaan

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  • Introduction to Sai Baba’s Charters and Sayings

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  • H.H. Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji Founder President Sai Spiritual Center Bangalore

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  • In life and in death too

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